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Full Guide -  Redirecting www to non-www in AWS
11 October 2024
Full Guide - Redirecting www to non-www in AWS

Maintaining a consistent URL structure is crucial for website management and search engine optimization (SEO). This guide explores five methods to redirect the www subdomain to the root domain

Guide to AWS Auto Scaling
27 August 2024
Guide to AWS Auto Scaling

An Auto Scaling group is a collection of Amazon EC2 instances that are treated as a logical grouping for the purposes of automatic scaling and management. These groups allow you to automatically adjust the number of EC2 instances in response to changing application demands, ensuring that you have the right number of instances available to handle the load at any given time.

Moving successfully to the Amazon Cloud
17 July 2024
Moving successfully to the Amazon Cloud

Moving to the Amazon cloud can have a number of advantages for a business, the ones most often talked about are cost saving and scalability However, deploying on AWS isn't a simple matter of transferring your existing infrastructure.

Migrating Your Applications to the Cloud: The 7 Rs of Cloud Migration
24 June 2024
Migrating Your Applications to the Cloud: The 7 Rs of Cloud Migration

The cloud offers a compelling value proposition for businesses of all sizes. However, transitioning your applications from on-premises infrastructure to the cloud can be a complex undertaking. AWS provides a variety of migration strategies to cater to different application types and business needs.

Serverless or Server: AWS Lambda vs Amazon EC2 for Cloud Computing
12 June 2024
Serverless or Server: AWS Lambda vs Amazon EC2 for Cloud Computing

As organizations move toward cloud computing, they are faced with a critical decision: whether to opt for serverless computing with AWS Lambda or traditional server-based computing with Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2). In this article, we'll look at the key differences between these two compute services and provide guidance on when to use each approach.

AWS Browser tools and extensions to enhance your experience
29 May 2024
AWS Browser tools and extensions to enhance your experience

If you're just getting started with AWS (Amazon Web Services), navigating the Cloud Console can be a bit daunting at first. Luckily, there are several handy browser tools and extensions that can simplify your AWS experience and make the learning curve less steep.

Building Fullstack app with React and AWS Amplify - Authentication and Databases
2022 / 2024
Building Fullstack app with React and AWS Amplify - Authentication and Databases

AWS Amplify is a powerful set of tools and services provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS) that simplifies the process of building modern web and mobile applications. It abstracts away much of the complexity involved in integrating various AWS services, such as authentication, API management, storage, database, and more, into your application.






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