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Rightsizing Recommendation - An Approach to Save on Your AWS Cost

Leveraging Rightsizing Recommendations for Cost Optimization in Cloud Deployments

The cloud technology is a major breakthrough in scaling IT infrastructure, unleashing opportunities for flexible deployments and resource management. However, cloud environment services are delivered through lots of Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) which build up into significant workloads that can further stretch the budget of cloud users if not efficiently used.

With the surge in cloud adoption across businesses, companies and organizations, it is highly beneficial to understand and implement the economics of cloud deployments which are wound around planning, governance, in-depth insights and continuous optimization. This will enable cloud users to take full advantage of the flexible architecture of the cloud to their best interest.

Rightsizing cloud resources should be the aim of cloud-based IT teams. Rightsizing recommendation makes this goal achievable with an enviable impact level as provided on the CloudPlexo Platform. This is made available to companies, organization, and enterprises including Small-Medium Enterprises (SMEs).

As an AWS (Amazon Web Services) partner, CloudPlexo extends the rightsizing recommendations feature in AWS Cost Explorer to its clients, enabling them to identify cost-saving opportunities by downsizing or optimizing Amazon EC2 instances.

CloudPlexo further provides rightsizing recommendation to help customers have a strong grasp of the economics of cloud deployments, giving them personalized data that are crucial and significantly useful in planning, governance, and continuous optimization of their cloud applications to yield maximum efficiency in line with best practices.

The use of rightsizing recommendation capabilities on AWS transforms your cost optimization business strategy from just delivering the difference in public pricing between current instance type and recommended instance type options to now offer estimated cost savings, inclusive of their Reserved Instances and Savings Plans discounts, as well as instance hours covered by Reserved Instances or Savings Plans.

Cost savings calculations that are used in AWS rightsizing recommendations includes Consolidated recommendations accross accounts – to provide consolidated recommendations accross mutiple AWS accounts that will not affect the performance of active applications; CPU Usage Analysis - determining if an instance is idle or underutilized; Intelligent recommendation – using a recommendation machine learning engine to identify the optimal Amazon EC2 instance types for a particular workload; and Savings calculation - examining the instance running to identify whether it was partially or fully covered by an RI or Savings Plans, or running On-Demand.

Put together and properly applied, rightsizing recommendations can leave a business, company or organization with overwhelming savings, cutting cost to the minimum without compromising efficiency.