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Java Programming Course - CloudPlexo

Java Programming

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Course Description

Java is one of the most popular programming languages. Java offers both object-oriented and functional programming features. We take a hands-on approach. This course assumes no previous programming or Java experience. If you never programmed a computer before, or if you already have experience with another programming language and want to learn Java, this is a perfect course for you. The course for individuals with ZERO programming experience and want to learn Java Programming or a Beginner at Java Programming and want to Learn to write Great Java Programs.


  1. Introduction to java and installing Java Windows OS
  2. MAC-OS-X Installing Java and configuring enviornment variables
  3. Classes and Objects
  4. Basic Java programming and features Part 1
  5. Basic Java programming and features Part 2
  6. Basic Java programming and features Part 3
  7. Java Methods Part 1
  8. Java Methods Part 2
  9. Java Methods Part 3
  10. Java Methods Part 4
  11. Java Methods Part 5 Predefined Methods
  12. Java Methods Part 6 Static and Non Static Mathods
  13. IF and Else Statements
  14. Loops While Loop
  15. Loops Do While Loop
  16. Loops For Loop
  17. Loops Nested Loops
  18. Loops Break and Continue statements
  19. If Else statements and Switch Case
  20. Arrays and Methods
  21. OOPS Static and Non Static
  22. OOPS Part 2
  23. OOPS Object oriented programming Part 3
  24. Exception Handling Part 1
  25. Exception Handling Part 2
  26. Packages and Access Modifiers
  27. Reading Properties files
  28. Java Streams Writing in TXT and CSV files
  29. Java Stream Writing HTML Files and Reading files
  30. Java Stream Apache POI Creating and Writing Excel Files
  31. Classes and Objects
  32. Java Stream Apache POI Reading Excel Files Extended Loops
  33. Reading Notepad file
  34. Reading Excel Files and Generating logs through Log4J API
  35. Java Collections
  36. Reflection API
  37. Difference between equal to operator and Singleton design pattern
  38. Apache Log4J API Console and File Appenders
  39. Apache Log4J API SMTPAppender
  40. Apache Log4J API HTMLAppender