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$5,000 African Innovation
Coding Challenge

A Call
to CODE...

Are you ambitious and do you have a software driven idea that would solve a problem in the African Community? The African Equity Innovation challenge can help you bring the solution to life.

Get Started
$5,000 African Innovation Coding Challenge by CloudPlexo$5,000 African Innovation Coding Challenge by CloudPlexo

Create A World-Class Digital Product

Create A World-Class Digital ProductCreate A World-Class Digital Product


  1. Submission must be already part of CloudPlexo learner community and submission is made through ilearncloud platform
  2. Team Size : 1 - 5 Members with each being at least 18 years old
  3. Participants may enter as individuals or as part of a team
  4. The project must be new and built for the 2022 African software Innovation Challenge
  5. Submission deadline 31st October, 2022


  1. Cash Price $5,000
  2. 12 months free membership to
  3. Access to founders lab
  4. Internship opportunities
  5. Mentorship
  6. Free courses and certifications

For sponsorship reach out to us:

Judging Criteria

Judging Criteria

Innovative and creative

Judging Criteria
Judging Criteria

Scalable Idea

Judging Criteria
Judging Criteria

Design and Usability

Judging Criteria
Judging Criteria


Judging Criteria